Welcome to the new CLIFF portal! We've made a host of updates to our tools, including new Minimum Household Budget calculations, new coaching resources, and a Quick Start Guide to help counselors quickly identify the most appropriate tool to use with clients. Please click on the icons below to access our updated tools.

(Click on the icons to visit each tool)

cliff snapshot logo cliff snapshot logo

Identify an immediate path to financial stability

Client is interested in understanding the potential short-term financial impact of a new job or income change.

cliff dashboard logo cliff dashboard logo

Explore the potential financial returns of different careers

Client is interested in long-term career planning AND wants a general idea about potential financial barriers to career advancement.

cliff planner logo cliff planner logo

Create a detailed budget in support of a career move

Client is interested in detailed career planning AND wants to create a customized budget that will help them navigate potential financial barriers to career advancement.

CLIFF Snapshot

CLIFF Dashboard

CLIFF Planner

Time to Complete:

Customized Work Hours + Wages:




Career Selection Component:




Customized Budget:




Individualized Public Assistance:




Learn More:

The CLIFF Snapshot compares a client’s current financial situation to possible alternative scenarios. Counselors can help their clients better understand how an increase in wages, additional hours worked, and/or participation in public assistance programs may better position them for financial stability.

The CLIFF Dashboard details the long-term financial implications of a new career. The Dashboard shows income and public assistance over a 20-year-plus horizon. The Dashboard also includes a self-sufficiency target which identifies the estimated level at which worker’s after-tax income will position them to cover their basic expenses.

The CLIFF Planner helps clients when they’re ready to map out the details of their career move. With the Planner’s flexibility, counselors can work with their clients to build a customized education plan, career plan, and budget. The Planner produces a much more individualized financial portrait compared to the Dashboard.